Friday, March 18, 2011

Is It Time To Give Up On Your Relationship? The Difference Between Giving Up and Letting Go.

Sometimes it seems as if nothing you do can keep it together or get it back; whether you're married, living with someone or have only been dating a few weeks, if the relationship (or, more specifically, the person) means a lot to you, it's natural to struggle to regain what you've lost.

But what if, in struggling, you're actually just pushing your relationship father away?

There is a spiritual principle that involves letting go; not of hope, not out of carelessness, but from a point of trust.  Faith, if you will. 

Of course that's a LOT easier said than done.  Trust me, I've been there, and know the agonizing desperation of NEEDING to get my man back in my life. 

Sometimes calling until you get a chance to talk and clear things up does work.  Sometimes, frankly, so can touching those emotional and sexual triggers you know he (or she) responds to so well.  Sometimes, yes, you can gain a toe-hold that way and at least get a second chance to start a dialog.

But you'd better proceed with mindfulness and caution lest your second chance becomes your lost chance.

The actual 'get my ex back' methods are way too numerous to go into here in any depth, but no matter what course you decide to embark on, the crucial concept of 'release' is something that must enter the equation.

You see, the Universe, and we, are pure energy. Spirit, physics, God, however you see it, we are not the separate, physical world we think we are.  On a chemical, molecular, quantum and Spiritual level, we are all connected. So if you think about it, it makes sense that what you do and what you feel, even what you think, manifests in the world.

That's why obsessing and emotionally clawing at your lover in an attempt to regain the love can actually result in pushing it farther and farther away.  Anything being chased will flee. Negativity attracts more negativity, fear exacerbates fear,  a poverty-consciousness makes everyone poorer.

When hoping to rekindle the love or bring your ex back into your life, consider letting go.

In a spiritual sense, if not in an emotional one.  If you pray, then pray. Pray sincerely and deeply.  Pull out all the stops.

Then -- let it go.  Turn it over to your Higher Power.

That doesn't mean ignore things that should be done. It doesn't even mean you should never call him or her again or act on that quiet intuition to send a card or letter.

But release expectation.  Even, if it feels (deep down in that quiet part of you) like the right thing to do, release the person you love. Walk away with love and dignity.

It's an interesting fact that, if you've ever worked with dog training, sometimes the best way to get a loose dog to come back to you isn't to chase it or call it or yell at him.  Get his attention and then -- run away.

That makes you MUCH more interesting to the dog and much less threatening.  In fact your dog will likely see it as a fun new game and begin running after you!

It makes sense with dating, too.

You just might find, as I did, that your ex somehow 'feels' this change in the air and suddenly calls you or shows up at your door.

So the paradox is that by letting go, you might end up getting your ex back after all.

Just something to tuck into your relationship-survival arsenal.

As always, feel free to drop me a note about your thoughts, feelings or reactions to my blog.



p.s.: If you're in the middle of a relationship crisis right now, time matters! Here is a proven resource that can help you get your ex back before it's too late.

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